
Showing posts from November, 2012

New directions

Thank you Tom Schickel, Ithaca architect, for the roles of old drawings and elevations I plan to use in my next series. Not quite sure how yet, but I think I'll develop them side-by-side with "looking East" series, inspired by Chinese landscapes on raw canvas. For the architecture underlay I'll go back to primed canvas and a technique I learned with Carolyn Fellman a few years ago, incorporating paper underlay with painting on top. Excited.

Taking my architectural bent further?

I haven't been painting for the last few months, too busy with parental care in Buffalo and son health worry in Los Angeles, to say nothing of teaching. But I feel like trying to incorporate some architectural designs into a new piece. A number of years ago I used photos as part of a painting; want to see what overlaying a basis of diagrams with my minimalist approach feels like.