Sharing Responses to the work

From artists and non artists alike. I am so lucky to have a dear friend, Zee Zahava, who is THE best facilitator of informal writing groups I’ve ever known. Over the last few years she’s convenes small groups to respond to the work on the walls- not what it means, but what it reminds them of, or how it makes them feel. This last Wednesday felt particularly resonant.I’m going to share a photo of the painting and what these women wrote. I hope you enjoy as much as I did! Here is Katrina Morse, a well-known artist and educator in Ithaca.

August 21, 2024

Katrina Morse

Response to “Arrival”

 Can we be in a pink, orange, lighthearted mood and also in a black, blue, and crusty one --- at the same time? Or maybe it’s not exactly at the same time but alternating by the moment, or hour, or day. Each mood available to tap into as needed. Planes of existence, past experience, current situations.

Certainly there are more moods than just two. The nuances of dark becoming light and back to dark again. The many shades of happy, sad, exuberant, grief-stricken, content, contemplative. A multiverse of realities. Salmon, aqua, lavender. Moods as colors. The spectrum of the multiverse. 

Not so much science fiction when we consider how quickly our emotions change. Layers of feelings. Overlapping, crazed, whole, transparent, dense, cracked. We have the ability to choose our feelings, and to change them. There are many realities in our multilayered lives. We can embrace any of them, and ignore what doesn’t fit.


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